Monday, February 23, 2009

Speak Vocabulary with Sentences

1. Obscene – offensive to morality or decency, repulsive
He was obscene to language the boy said.

2. Abstinence – denying self any form of indulgence, appetite, or craving.
She has taken on abstinence for a better and brighter tomorrow.

3. Savant – a person of learning; especially: one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field (i.e. science, literature)
The Spanish teacher is a savant.

4 .Thespian – dramatic actor
Lindsey Lohan is a thespian.

5. fascism – a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a government headed by a dictatorial leader.
Today fascism is a big part of America.

6. predator – one that preys, destroys, or devours
He is a predator to little girls.

7. indoctrination– instruct, with doctrines, theories, beliefs. Can also be brainwashing.
The teacher is indoctrinating his students into believeing the way of life did not come from the Lion King.

8. morphing – a special-effects process used in film or video production in which persons or objects seem to change shape, form, etc., in a smooth way, created in a digital environment.
A catipillar morphs into a butterfly.

9. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - PTSD is an anxiety disorder that occurs in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Examples are combat, rape and natural disaster. PTSD is diagnosed six months after the traumatic event. Three major symptoms are: heightened startle response, easily scared, and irritability.
PTSD can be very seious and should be taken care of early.

10. potpourri- a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent.
The restraunt had potpourri in the ladies room and it smelt wonderful.

11. Paparazzi - a freelance photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs.
The paparazzi are always following Jessica Simpson around.

12. synchronized- to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked together.
The synchronized swim team work well together and always make sure they are on the right time.

13. inspiration- an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
Jojo has been an inspiration to me in the world of singing.

14. expiration- a coming to an end; termination; close: the expiration of a contract.
The penut butter is no longer good because of the expiration date.

15. floundering- to make clumsy attempts to move or regain one’s balance
Jaskson floundered around the classroom to regain his balance.

16. blathers- to talk without making sense
Jackson blathers on and on sometimes without thinking.

17. interim- a temporary arrangement, stopgap, make shift.
Im not exactly sure how to use interim in a sentence.

18. drones- A male bee, especially a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey. Its only function is to mate with the queen bee.
2. An idle person who lives off others; a loafer.
3. A person who does tedious or menial work; a drudge.

Drones are honey bees.

19. xenophobic- a person who is very fearful or disliking of foreigners, people from other countries, or strangers.
If I were xenophobic I would not be able to go to the mall.

20. Sun Shadow Mandala- Mandalas are symbolic, circular designs that represent outer (sun) and inner (shadow) dimensions of a person’s personality. We made sun shadow mandalas in class.

21. Redemption- the act or process of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.
Redeem – to buy or pay off; to recover what has been lost; to discharge in full; to deliver from sin and the consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for the sinner.The lord will give redemption to those who pray.

22. abysmal – extremely or hopelessly bad or severe: abysmal ignorance; abysmal poverty. The bruise was abysmal.

23. demure - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.
I am demure in the way I talk.

24. bigoted – utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.
She is bigoted at the conference.

25. asphyxiated - to cause to die or lose consciousness by impairing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious agents; choke; suffocate; smother.
She was asphyxiated after being hit by the car.