Monday, March 9, 2009

Teen Abuse

There are many different types of abuse. 
Different types would be:
1. Verbal Abuse: when one person uses words and body language to inappropriately criticize
another person. 
*ex. put downs or name calling
2. Psychological Abuse: (also known as: mental or emotional abuse) when one person controls information available to another person so as to manipulate that person's sense on reality.
*ex. your boyfriend hits you and tells you it was for you own good, like he's trying to teach you
3. Physical Abuse: when one person uses physical pain or threat of physical force to intimidate another person.
*ex. hitting, kicking, punching, etc.
4. Sexual Abuse: any sort of unwanted sexual contact perpetrated on a victim by an abuser.
*ex. rape or touching inappropriately
5. Neglect: when someone does not care for someone who the person is responsible for.
*ex. not feeding your child
These are all types of abuse that a teen could face in life. A teen could also face abuse from their self. This usually happens when a child/teen has suffered from a traumatizing experience.
Different types of self inflicted abuse are:
1. cutting
2. burning/abrasions
3. head-banging
4. carving
5. scratching
6. branding
7. marking
8. biting
9. bruising
10. picking / pulling skin and/or hair
These are types of abuse and inflicted abuse most common by teens.